ARRL Learning Center Features Two New Emergency Communication Training Courses

ARRL has released two new courses to train emergency communications (EmComm) operators for volunteering within the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®). Both courses are within the ARRL Learning Center. The Basic EmComm course is designed to get a new volunteer started. It provides basic knowledge and tools for any emergency communications volunteer and contains three modules and 11 topics, including required prerequisites. It’s expected to take approximately 10 – 20 hours to complete. The Intermediate EmComm course builds on the lessons learned in the first course and equips volunteer radio amateurs with the tools needed to thrive in the fast-paced environment of public service (more…)

 SPRING STORMS  4/26-28/2024

29 APR 2024 ATTENTION ALL: ALL ARES-OK Leaders (ReginalEC, DistrictEC & CountyEC) are asked to contact their ARES-OK team(s) to insure that they have received this info and to check to see if any of Amateurs Operators were effected by these storms. Any ARES-OK groups that were called into assist by local served agencies are asked to notify the SEC as soon as you can. Any Amateur Radio Operators groups that were active in your area during or after the storms  submitted please submit a report via Public Safety report at this link please CC: your report to [email protected]  73 & Thank you, Mark Conklin, N7XYO ARRL-Oklahoma Section Emergency (more…)

SM039 – Tulsa County ARES Simulated Emergency Test

ARES Tulsa County will conduct the annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on Saturday, October 7, 2023, from 0900 – 1200.  They will have multiple ways for everyone to participate in Tulsa and Rogers Counties and around the state. The objectives are to test communication skills during emergency power conditions, Net Control Operations (NCO) management of resources, stress accuracy in message passing, and to have some fun, all with a scenario ripped from recent headlines. For more information, see SM039 – Tulsa County ARES Simulated Emergency Test – ARRL. (more…)

Winlink NTS Drill 8/12/2023

For the past couple of years, the Section Manager and I have been working on the creation of a framework that will facilitate the flow of NTS traffic throughout the Oklahoma Section. This sparked the creation of NTSOK. ( In some states, ARES and NTS are distinctly different groups of people that do not collaborate. In Oklahoma, we are frequently the same individuals and we felt we would be remiss if we did not leverage that fact. To that end, this is my first communication to the Emergency Coordinators and I sincerely plan for it to not be my last! (more…)