SPRING STORMS  4/26-28/2024

29 APR 2024


ALL ARES-OK Leaders (ReginalEC, DistrictEC & CountyEC) are asked to contact their ARES-OK team(s) to insure that they have received this info and to check to see if any of Amateurs Operators were effected by these storms.

Any ARES-OK groups that were called into assist by local served agencies are asked to notify the SEC as soon as you can. Any Amateur Radio Operators groups that were active in your area during or after the storms  submitted please submit a report via Public Safety report at this link 

https://tinyurl.com/ARESOK please CC: your report to [email protected] 

73 & Thank you,

Mark Conklin, N7XYO

ARRL-Oklahoma Section Emergency Coordinator
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
[email protected]


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