SM007 – 2021 Technician License Courses – Fall

Online – Live – Technician Class Most of you already have passed your amateur radio Technician test, but you may have friends or family that are interested in getting their license. Helping them to get their first license has never been easier and the Edmond Amateur Radio Society is here to help! They will host a Technician course in Zoom-based meetings and are offering this to anyone in the state. This class starts on August 31st and runs until October 26th. The class runs mostly on Tuesday, but weeks 3 and 8 are on Monday nights, due to local club conflicts. (more…)

SM006 – The Card is in the Mail / Memorial Marathon

Amateur radio operators have used QSL cards to confirm their contacts for decades. And, while the use of paper QSL cards has diminished in recent years, this week, hundreds of postcards will arrive in the mailboxes of hams all over the state of Oklahoma. Cards have been sent to hams that recently obtained their first amateur radio license, upgraded their ticket, joined ARRL, or had their ARRL membership lapse since December 1st, 2020. When I obtained my amateur radio license at the end of solar cycle 21, a few vendors sent welcome mailings to newly minted hams. After checking the (more…)

SM005 – Field Day Summary!

This year’s Field Day operations have come and gone. Field Day is a great way for you to get involved with all kinds of amateur radio modes in a single afternoon. It’s also a great way to practice your emergency operation skills. And, it’s a great way to meet and greet your fellow local hams. If you missed this one, hang on, Winter Field Day is less than six months away. Otherwise, I hope you had some fun.  This year we had several clubs that planned to operate from home. We had 15 clubs post an active Field Day on (more…)

Hurricane Watch Net Activates for Hurricane Elsa

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) is currently active on 14.325 MHz for Hurricane Elsa. “Elsa surprised us all by strengthening overnight into a Category 1 hurricane,” HWN Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, said. The storm is currently in between Barbados and St. Lucia with maximum sustained winds of 75 MPH. The storm is moving to the west-northwest at 28 MPH. At this clip, the storm should be past the Windward Islands in the next few hours. “As with any net activation, we welcome your observed ground-truth data from those in the affected area. The information forecasters at the national hurricane center (more…)

SM004 – Field Day is Here!

What is Field Day? The ARRL Field Day means many things to many people. It takes planning, equipment negotiations, power systems, equipment repair, creature comforts, setup, testing, food, license testing, fox hunts, more food, teardown, and cleanup. This supports 24 hours of operators using radio systems on voice, morse code, and digital modes. There are currently 1,100 locations registered across the United States and Canada. Operations start Saturday morning and continue straight through to Sunday afternoon on the fourth full weekend of June. Where is Field Day? You can find Field Day sites on the ARRL Field Day Locator at (more…)

SM003 – OK Hamfests/Tailgate Events 2021

OK Hamfests/Tailgate Events 2021 Hamfests are amateur radio’s in-person conferences or conventions. While we have missed these events for the past year or so, we have four of them scheduled for 2021. The first two of these are outdoor tailgate events, and the last two are full-blown hamfests. If you are new to the hobby, these events allow you to learn more about amateur radio, have fun, and buy and sell equipment from local hams. For us experienced hams, these are great ways to meet old friends, make some new friends, and buy/sell some gear. Put these dates on your (more…)

SM002 – Where to find ARRLOK?

The American Radio Relay League Oklahoma Section (ARRLOK) is the local field organization that links local hams with the ARRL. If you’re reading this, you have found at least one way to interact with us. However, there are a half dozen ways to get section information. Thanks to Lloyd Colston KC5FM, we have a significant presence on the social media platforms of Blogspot, Facebook, and Twitter. In addition to these section updates, Lloyd posts great amateur radio content on the Blogspot, Facebook, and Twitter platforms. Take a look at the other media that you haven’t viewed recently. You can find (more…)

SM001 – Hello Oklahoma!

Welcome to the ARRL Oklahoma Section News. I’m Mark Kleine N5HZR and over the past 35+ years, I’ve been able to meet a good number of you at hamfests, club meetings, and special events. As I started this Section Manager journey during the past couple of weeks, I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting hundreds more of you via email, DMR, and Zoom. I want to thank all of the kind messages you all have extended to me during this transition time. And, I’m so grateful that you all have been so gracious with your time and future commitments. If (more…)

ARLB012 Clear Frequencies Requested for Net Providing 24/7 Coverage of Saint Vincent Volcanic Eruption

SB QST @ ARL $ARLB012ARLB012 Clear Frequencies Requested for Net Providing 24/7 Coverageof Saint Vincent Volcanic EruptionZCZC AG12QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 12  ARLB012From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT  April 21, 2021To all radio amateursSB QST ARL ARLB012ARLB012 Clear Frequencies Requested for Net Providing 24/7 Coverageof Saint Vincent Volcanic EruptionThe Caribbean Emergency and Weather Net (CEWN) has been providinground-the-clock coverage during the La Soufriere volcanic eruptionon the island of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Severalneighboring islands are also being affected by the disaster. Whenresponding to disasters and emergencies such as this, the CEWNutilizes 3.185 MHz LSB and 7.188 MHz LSB. CEWN is requesting (more…)