Amateur radio operators have used QSL cards to confirm their contacts for decades. And, while the use of paper QSL cards has diminished in recent years, this week, hundreds of postcards will arrive in the mailboxes of hams all over the state of Oklahoma. Cards have been sent to hams that recently obtained their first amateur radio license, upgraded their ticket, joined ARRL, or had their ARRL membership lapse since December 1st, 2020.
When I obtained my amateur radio license at the end of solar cycle 21, a few vendors sent welcome mailings to newly minted hams. After checking the mailbox every day for the 6+ weeks it took to receive my FCC license, I was thrilled to see that others had recognized my achievement. In addition, they offered their services for QSL cards, radio information, or newsletters. I hope these cards will trigger that same feeling when they peer in their mailbox.
Please feel free to send me any comments that you have or hear about these cards to [email protected]. I’d like to know that others receive the same joy I had when putting these together and dropping them in the mailbox!
I hope these cards will spark some conversations about ARRL Oklahoma, and I’ll keep sending these out monthly to keep in touch with new licenses, upgrades, and ARRL membership changes.
ARRL Membership
If you are not currently a member, this would be an excellent time to join the ARRL. You can join online or print an application at Maybe it’s time to ask a friend if they are a member?
As a reminder, here is a summary of some of the…
- QST+
- On the Air Magazine – New!+
- Members-Only Web Services+
- FCC License Renewal – FREE for ARRL Members+
- Outgoing QSL Service+
- Continuing Education+
- ARRL as an Advocate+
- Regulatory Information Branch+
- Public Relations for Amateur Radio+
- ARRL Field Organization+
- ARRL-sponsored contests+
- Operating Awards+
- Local Clubs+
- Amateur Radio Emergency Service+
- Hamfests and Conventions+
- Volunteer Examiner Coordinator Program
And, for all of you current members, thanks for being a part of the group. When’s your renewal?
Communications for the OKC Memorial Marathon
The coordinator of the amateur radio operators for the OKC Memorial Marathon, Mike Rockey KE5EQC, reports that he currently has half of the required hams signed up. He has 54 volunteers signed up so far, and he needs about 110. We’re about 2 1/2 months out from the October 3rd event, and it is probably hard to think about standing out at a medical tent or other location in this heat. But this year, it may even be jacket weather in the first part of October.
- Sunday, October 3rd, on-site at 6:00 AM and finish around 3:00 or 3:30 ish.
- The pre-brief meeting will be on September 21st at 7:00 PM at Integris Baptist Hospital near NW Expressway and Portland.
Register Online:
Any licensed amateur radio operator can assist. Each year hams from all over the state converge to help with this grand event. You can register online at
Amateur radio clubs are the backbone of the hobby. The tremendous local hams have good information, and as Elmers or mentors love to share it. Send something that your club is doing well to me [email protected], and I’ll feature your club in this newsletter. Most clubs have seen an increase in new member activity during the pandemic. Our Oklahoma Affiliated Club Coordinator, Jim Shideler W5JCS, can help you find a club or help your club become affiliated. We currently have 38 clubs listed at Look for a club near you, or verify that your club is on the list. Send Jim an email at [email protected] if you need club assistance.
You can find ARRL Oklahoma Section all over the web at:
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- ARRL Member Emails —!/edit-info-email_subscriptions
73, de N5HZR — Stand by, more follows…