SM025 – Seminole Communications Need

Seminole Communications Need A message from the ARRL Oklahoma Section Emergency Coordinator, Mark Conklin N7XYO… 2000L 6 MAY 2022    DO NOT SELF DEPLOY ATTENTION ALL ARES-OK members are on Stand-by –   ARES-OK Districts 11, 5 & 6 should prepare to muster teams if requested, a LIMITED deployment is expected. The OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT has requested communications support from the ARRL/Amateur Radio Emergency Services. ARES-OK Leaders (ReginalEC, DistrictEC & CountyEC) are asked to contact their ARES-OK team(s) of volunteers to ensure that they have received this info and are ready to help. SCOPE: Provide voice communications between chainsaw and debris removal teams and their base of operations. Seminole (more…)

SM019 – John Stratton N5AUS in Norman This Saturday

Our Oklahoma/Texas ARRL West Gulf Division Director John Stratton N5AUS will be speaking at the South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) meeting, in-person this Saturday, January 8th at 9:30 am. Please feel free to join the group in person at their normal meeting location, Firehouse #7 Training Center, 2207 Goddard Ave, Norman, OK. The meeting, and John’s presentation, start at 9:30 am, but people start showing up at 9:00 am to visit before the meeting. You can also join the meeting via Zoom using the link, or this will be streamed live on YouTube by clicking the link. More information is on the Oklahoma Section website at this link. (more…)