As you are likely aware, there are two bills before Congress which will protect amateur radio antennas from overly restrictive HOA rules and covenants, HR 4066 and SB 3690.
John Stratton, N5AUS, West Gulf Division Director has initiated a letter writing campaign for the West Gulf Division. For those of us in Oklahoma, we need to contact our respective Senators and House members to encourage their support of these measures. The bills have a goodly amount of bipartisan support for this issue and we must strike while the soldering iron is hot!
We need Congress to approve these bills, and we need your help as an individual amateur radio operators to help encourage our Oklahoma legislators to take action to pass them.
To download the pre-formatted letters, go to Scroll down and select the appropriate ‘individual letter/s’. Remember, you would need to prepare letters for BOTH Senators as well as your Representative.
Please click on the appropriate letter and modify it for your information. Print the documents, sign them (three total, 2 Senators, 1 Representative) in BLUE pen, scan them in color, and email them to [email protected]
Or mail the papers to:
Mark Kleine, PO Box 817, Norman, OK 73070-0817.
Time is of the essence!!! We need to get these letters into the hands of our Congressional delegation ASAP!!!
Thomas Webb
Asst. Section Manager
Oklahoma Section
American Radio Relay