Each year hundreds of hams make thousands of contacts during the Route 66 On The Air event! It is a yearly contest that is run by the Citrus Belt Amateur Radio Club of San Bernardino, California https://w6jbt.org/?page_id=117. Its goal is to connect radio operators everywhere with stations along the original RT66 stretch. This year they will have 20 fixed stations and two teams roving the famous route using the callsigns W6A through W6V. Oklahoma has over 400 miles of the Mother Road, more than any other state along the route. Oklahoma City is the center point of the journey, and the state has dozens of historic places along the route.
This year Oklahoma will again have three stations operating along the route, at OKC, W6K https://qrz.com/db/w6k, at Stroud, W6J https://qrz.com/db/w6j, and at Tulsa, W6L https://qrz.com/db/w6l.
Route 66 On-The-Air begins at 0000Z/11 September and continues to 2359Z/19 September.
Radio operators may use phone, CW, or digital.
The Route 66 On The Air Special Event participating stations are likely to be found somewhere in the vicinity of the following frequencies.
Hz | 80M | 40M | 30M | 20M | 17M | 15M | 12M | 10M | 6M |
CW | 3.533 | 7.033 | 10.110 | 14.033 | 18.080 | 21.033 | 24.900 | 28.033 | 50.033 |
SSB | 3.866 | 7.266 | N/A | 14.266 | 18.164 | 21.366 | 24.966 | 28.466 | 50.166 |
DIGI. | 3.573 | 7.074 | 10.136 | 14.074 | 18.100 | 21.074 | 24.915 | 28.074 | N/A |
ALL frequencies shown above can be +/- due to QRM and other in-use conditions
To sign up as a R66OTA Radio Operator for Oklahoma City, contact Steve Duskin, NE5SD ( [email protected] ) or Tom Webb, WA9AFM/5 ( [email protected] ). Operating sites are available throughout the metro area, including home stations.
To operate as a R66OTA Radio Operator for Stroud, contact Cameron McAntire KC5ZHU ( [email protected] ). They will be operating from the Stroud City Park that is next to the historic Rock Café, from about 10 am to about 10 pm.
To operate as a R66OTA Radio Operator for Tulsa, you can coordinate your activities with the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, W5IAS, using the 145.110 repeater.
Good luck and see if you can work ’em all!
Communications for the OKC Memorial Marathon
The coordinator of the amateur radio operators for the OKC Memorial Marathon, Mike Rockey KE5EQC, reports that he currently has three-quarters of the required hams signed up. He has 79 volunteers signed up so far, and he needs about 110. We’re about 3 1/2 weeks out from the October 3rd event. It is probably hard to think about standing out at a medical tent or other location in this heat. But this year, it may even be jacket weather in the first part of October.
- Sunday, October 3rd, on-site at 6:00 AM and finish around 3:00 or 3:30 ish.
- The pre-brief meeting will be on September 20th at 7:00 PM at the OKC Fire Training Center, 850 N. Portland Ave. in Oklahoma City (73107). Note new date and location!!!
Register Online:
Any licensed amateur radio operator can assist. Each year hams from all over the state converge to help with this grand event. You can register online at https://www.cuetoems.com/ocmm_2021/Volunteer.aspx?code=PSC2021.
Amateur radio clubs are the backbone of the hobby. The tremendous local hams have good information, and as Elmers or mentors love to share it. Send something that your club is doing well to me [email protected], and I’ll feature your club in this newsletter. Most clubs have seen an increase in new member activity during the pandemic. Our Oklahoma Affiliated Club Coordinator, Jim Shideler W5JCS, can help you find a club or help your club become affiliated. We currently have 38 clubs listed at https://aresok.org/clubs. Look for a club near you, or verify that your club is on the list. Send Jim an email at [email protected] if you need club assistance.
You can find ARRL Oklahoma Section all over the web at:
ARESOK — https://aresok.org/
ARRL.org — http://www.arrl.org/sections/view/oklahoma
Blogspot — http://arrlok.blogspot.com/
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/arrloklahoma
Twitter — https://twitter.com/arrl_OK/
ARRL Member Emails — https://www.arrl.org/myarrl-account-management#!/edit-info-email_subscriptions
JOIN/RENEW ARRL NOW — http://arrl.org/join/
73, de N5HZR — Stand by, more follows…