SM019 – John Stratton N5AUS in Norman This Saturday

Our Oklahoma/Texas ARRL West Gulf Division Director John Stratton N5AUS will be speaking at the South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) meeting, in-person this Saturday, January 8th at 9:30 am. Please feel free to join the group in person at their normal meeting location, Firehouse #7 Training Center, 2207 Goddard Ave, Norman, OK. The meeting, and John’s presentation, start at 9:30 am, but people start showing up at 9:00 am to visit before the meeting. You can also join the meeting via Zoom using the link, or this will be streamed live on YouTube by clicking the link. More information is on the Oklahoma Section website at this link. (more…)

SM015 – Ham Scholarships Available

Each year the ARRL Foundation awards scholarships to deserving amateur radio operators from the funds that they manage. West Gulf Division’s own Dr. David Woolweaver K5RAV, President of the ARRL Foundation, says that they issued $550,000 in scholarships last year. He said, “this year, through a generous contribution from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, Inc. (ARDC), they will be issuing 130 scholarships totaling $900,000!” There are twenty $25,000 scholarships, four $15,000, seventeen $10,000 scholarships, nine $5,000 scholarships as well as dozens of $1,000 and $500 scholarships.  Now is the time to act for and Senior in High School or any college (more…)

SM014 – Clubs, Clubs, Clubs, Clubs, Clubs, and Clubs

Amateur radio clubs are the lifeblood of the hobby. You know it, I know it, and now ARRL headquarters knows it. In this issue, we talk about everything club related, including a national ARRL Foundation club funding initiative that was announced here in Oklahoma at the Enid Hamfest for the VERY first time!!!!!!!! If you’re not in a club, find-a-club, make a club by contacting Jim Shideler  mailto:[email protected], get your club affiliated with ARRL by contacting Mark Kleine  mailto:[email protected], and document past club activities by sharing with ARRL HQ at  mailto:[email protected].   Clubs: ARRL Club Funding West Gulf Division Director (more…)